Thursday, December 07, 2023

Dr. Anthony Stone, Memories

 It was a pleasant surprise to receive this email from a Stephanian colleague about a book by Dr. Anthony Stone,  who was teaching Mathematics in college when I was there..

Tony spent a short time with Annikki and me in Oulu many years ago, but then I lost contact till in 2014? I invited himmto attend Annikki’s 70th birthday celebrations. 

It is good to see Tony is still active. 

I have not attached the ”Foreword” as mentioned in the email. If any of you want it , I will happily send it to you. 

If you wish to comment, please contact me and I will put you in touch with Prabhu..

me your sugHeavens 
and Earth: The Story of Astrology through Ages and Cultures , published by Penguin 

 Here are some links where you can discover a bit more about Garima's Heaven and Earth:

Professor (retired) Prabhu Guptara

Board Consultant, Poet, and Publisher
Cambridge, U.K.

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